Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
That's because if your partner cannot help you, and since you asked,
that means you are not sure you saw an out. And if you didn't see an out, how are you going to call it if your partner isn't available to help?
Mike, isn't that a question of how you ask?
Coming from the same continent as DutchAlex, but a different country, we established the following for experianced crews (!):
In a sit, like the one in the OP, the BU should ask: "Did you see her pull the foot?"
That would enable the PU to answer "No!" in a case (s)he didn't look or judges the foot was not pulled. And "Yes" if (s)he saw it.
I don't think it means I did not see an out. It means from what I could see I had an out, but I might have missed one information and I will ask for it. Afterwards the BU will make the call.
But I guess our coaches are different from yours
And it is more family like here in Germany since Softball is not quite as big as in the US
But in general I agree that the PU should NEVER overrule!
How should the PU know, that the BU is missing the information and not just had a different judgment on that situation? It might be easy writing down obvious Situations but in real life it is more complex!