Originally Posted by Tim C
Why, why, why would any official ask "for help"?
Over 40 years of umping I had "all lmy own calls" . . .
Do we need a "group hug"?
Get your own calls . . . !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why, why, why?
Umpiring has changed a little in 40 years, and it's more important to get a call right than to further the illusion that the individual umpire is imperious and infallible.
The players on the field work the hardest of anyone involved in putting on a baseball game. They deserve to have the calls be correct, irrespective of the level of personal pride in each umpire. If it takes consulting with a second party who sometimes has a better view, or a view of something that makes the result of the play different, then it should be done.
It should also be a rare occurrence.