In all three, R is awarded a free kick that can score a FG as that is one of their choices in KCI (a and c) and after the roughness penalty is enforced on the hit after the fair catch.
Bad play by K in all three. I'd tell the K coach how poor a job he has done in preparing himself and his team for this critical juncture. He should feel shame, shame, shame. I'd tell the R captain all about the 15 yards he gets for the roughing from the spot of the FC, the awarded fair catch at the R45 and the awarded fair catch at the spot where the kid was blocked into the receiver (no yardline given) but it's up to the coaches to know that they can free kick from here. If they ask, I'll tell 'em.
No time should have elapsed on the game clock. Maybe one tick where the kid actually caught the ball.