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Old Sun Apr 11, 2010, 07:06pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
Good eye, Nevada. Does this mean that you can't T-up a team for an excessive time out if they've already received one for a book violation? That doesn't add up.
Doesn't mean that at all. The rule is not that a team can only receive one administrative technical foul following the 10-minute mark prior to the game. The rule is that a team shall only receive one technical foul no matter how many violations of the five specific administrative items listed in 10-1-2 it commits. This is not all-inclusive. Somewhere along the way someone misinformed you.

You are kind of new here. Stick around and your understanding of the rules will greatly improve. There are a lot of really sharp people on this forum.
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