Originally Posted by Nevadaref
The chart on page 71 of the NFHS rules book lists "excess time-out" in the "Administrative" box.
Good eye, Nevada. Does this mean that you can't T-up a team for an excessive time out if they've already received one for a book violation? That doesn't add up.
As for "fashion police" thing, the toughest thing is getting everyone on the same page in how to enforce these rules. The league coordinator in Mark's case made an effort to do so; we have a hard enough time doing this in regular season, especially in middle school.
When it's a travel league or scrimmage or off-season game, I can take or leave "properly and legally equipped." If the board expects you to follow a rule, however, then I play by the book.
My board made it clear to me that middle schools are expected to play by the same uniform rules (except that the home team must wear white -- that's varsity only) as the high schools. I wonder if they made it clear to everyone else, because I ran into a series of uniform issues this year. I don't mind enforcing these rules, but they become a hardship when others aren't doing their jobs.