I turned on the game after watching a 24 hour "Law And Order" marathon and caught the last ten minutes or so. It did seem Ken Mauer was a little quick on the trigger but, of course, I wasn't there and I always give the officials the benefit of the doubt on calls.
As to the fan who was kicked out (I don't think there were two), either he threw something out onto the court or he came out onto the court. The cameras weren't on him until security was already at his spot so there was no way to tell. As he was escorted out, he kept raising his arms to incite the crowd and some of them cheered for him. It's my understanding if he's a season ticket holder, team policy is he loses his ticket but gets a refund for the remainder of the season. He also loses his advantage of first choice on playoff tickets, which is the worst of the deal, since there's only two home games left. Since he was at a court side seat, the odds are he was a season ticket holder.
Yom HaShoah