Originally Posted by harmbu
During the same game, I noticed that the opposing pitcher seemed to be taking a long time between innings to complete his warmup pitches. I did not say anything because I had gotten nowhere with the foul line discussion. Then during the JV game, they told my pitcher to hurry up and throw his pitches. I kept quiet and broke out the stopwatch before the next innings. In an inning that ended with my catcher on second base, it took us one minute and fifteen seconds (still too long). In the next half inning, it took the opposing team three minutes and five seconds to be ready to start the next inning.
Put the watch away and concentrate on teaching the players the fundamentals of baseball, good sportsmanship, and how to beat your opponent by good hitting, good fielding and overcoming the non-important frivilous aspects of the game that take away from what your job really is, developing young players.