Originally Posted by zm1283
FED rules. F1 in the stretch. After he comes set, he turns his pivot foot (right foot in this case) just as he starts his pitching motion. It is basically a pivot where his heel goes toward home plate but the front of his foot stays in contact with the pitcher's plate. He doesn't stop after the pivot. That's about the best I can describe it. Do you have a balk here?
As long as it appears to be part of his pitching motion, I would let that go. Also, he still must maintain contact with the rubber while doing this odd maneuver with his pivot foot.
On the other hand, if this is something he does just PRIOR to the commencement of pitching motion, I would balk it.
Here's why: Runners are often taught to key on a right-hander's pivot foot as an indication that he is beginning a pickoff move toward 1st. And there's a good reason for that. It is impossible for a right-hander to throw to 1st without FIRST re-orienting his pivot foot - unless he is Gumby.
Any pre-movement of that pivot foot could cause runners to start leaning back toward the bag, thinking it was the prelude of a pickoff attempt. The pitcher would be gaining an advantage.
David Emerling
Memphis, TN