A draft of a dead ball/live ball quiz for a newsletter is included in this post. I'm looking for the wisdom of the forum to help make it better and help me to avoid any embarrassing snafus. So bring on the constructive criticism and suggestions. If you have your own dead ball/live ball question please post it here. If I like it, I'll include it in the quiz.
The quiz is best taken on line at
http://phillyref.com/rules/basketball/nfhsquiz2.html Answers and rule references are provided there along with scoring. I'll post the answers here later. Feel free to post your answers here at any time.
Here goes.
01. Identify the three ways that the ball becomes live
02. With one exception, what type of foul must be called if a foul is called when the ball is dead?
03. What is the exception for question #2?
04. Identify the 5 most important items to immediately check when the ball becomes dead
05. Identify 5 rules areas where dead/ball live ball status is critical
06. Identify 3 free throw situations where the ball becomes dead without exception
07. Identify 2 types of fouls that cause the ball to becomes dead without exception
08. If the ball becomes dead for a foul or violation, does it become dead when a) the foul, violation occurs or b) when an official blows the whistle for the foul or violation (answer a or b)
09. Identify 3 circumstances in which the ball remains live after a foul that is not a player control or team control foul
10. Identify 2 circumstances in which the ball remains live after time for a period has expired or an official inadvertently blows his/her whistle.
11. Assume that a try or tap is in progress or an airborne shooter has not returned to the floor. Identify 2 violations that do not cause the ball to become dead.
12. Team B scores a goal and A1 catches the ball before it touches the court. B2 immediately requests a timeout. An official grants a timeout. Is the official correct? (answer yes or no).