Sun Oct 29, 2000, 08:04pm
In Memoriam
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Houghton, U.P., Michigan
Posts: 9,953
Originally posted by Jim Dixon
I was present at the Texas Assn. of Sports Officials Annual Convention in Houston yesterday, in which Dick Schindler, past rules editor for the NFHS Rules, was speaking to us about the rules changes and points of emphasis, and he ALSO emphasized the following:
" . . .illegal contact with the backboard is the same ruling for the offensive player."
That is, if A1 is shooting a lay-up, and releases the ball and then slaps the backboard, it is intentional contact and is penalized with a technical foul.
It appears that the NFHS Rules Committee is strongly trying to stop this action, plus deter any defensive action of slapping the backboard that is not a part of defensive actions to play the ball and block the shot, pin the ball on the backboard, etc.
It is sad that unsportsmanlike actions have to be clarified, but it is what it is.