Thread: Unc/uri
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Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 09:22am
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Originally Posted by btaylor64 View Post
Understandable, and there is no use trying to convince anyone, bc we all have our own eyes and interpretations. It is just so hard for me to look at the UNC player and not think that he is, of his own accord, diving for the basketball. I would think that a kid of that size would have to be shoved so hard from the back to make even a similar type motion to the floor and everybody would be like, "OH DAMN, that kid got shoved so hard!"

But to each his own.
I'll say this then leave it be. With a player falling already diving for the ball, it doesn't take much force to change the direction of his momentum so that he ends up landing in a slightly different spot than he would have. In this case, it looks to me that the force from behind changed his trajectory just enough to cause him to hit the URI player.
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