Thread: Whatchagot?
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Old Tue Mar 30, 2010, 12:42pm
Pantherdreams Pantherdreams is offline
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Originally Posted by ranjo View Post
Had a fellow official poise this senerio from one of his games and decided it would be a good one for the forum.

A1 drives to the basket and releases the ball before time expires in the quarter. A2 leaps into the air in anticipation of an rebound and as he leaps, B1 steps underneath him without making contact. It was reasonable for A2 to believe that, given B1's position on the floor, he might be injured if he returned directly to the floor so A2 grasped the rim to avoid injury. However, when he grasped the rim, the ball was in the basket but had not come all the way through the net. The crew decided that since A1 had grasped the basket to avoid injury, it was not basket interference and counted the basket.

By rule, did they get it right?

They got it wrong 100% of the time.

As others have said 99% of the time thats a BI call. No basket but no Tech.

1% of the time its a Duke player on the rim in the dying minutes of huge game. In that case you count the hoop, call a foul on player near the guy who jumped up and hung on the rim, when he lands let him shoot free throws, and then when he starts celebrating and talking trash on the landing call a tech on the first kid from the defensive team who sticks up for their teammates while allowing everyone else in the ensuing scrum to do or say whatever they feel like.
Coach: Hey ref I'll make sure you can get out of here right after the game!

Me: Thanks, but why the big rush.

Coach: Oh I thought you must have a big date . . .we're not the only ones your planning on F$%&ing tonite are we!
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