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Old Mon Mar 29, 2010, 08:39pm
DG DG is offline
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You have to be the judge. If it looks like he tripped on his feet and plowed the catcher for it then don't eject for MC. If he looks like he plowed the catcher with intent to injure then eject.

I don't see how anyone could call what Pete Rose did to Ray Fosse anything but malicious. That is as good a textbook example as you will ever see.

Back to subject of post. In NC we eject for 6 things, as prescribed by the state. Fighting, taunting, obscene gestures, disrespectfully addressing an umpire, profanity directed at an official or opponent, and biting (recently added, geez..). All other things that call for ejections in the rule book will be restrictions to the dugout for players and coaches. You could get restricted and then ejected, if while in the dugout commit one of the 6 things that will get you ejected. If a player is ejected for one of the 6 things it is not our responsibility any longer, he must leave the dugout and stands area. There is generally an administrator at the game, AD or assistant, principal or assistant, and/or a police officer or sheriff's deputy. There are severe penalties for ejections (suspensions, fines for coaches, etc.), not so much for restrictions. There is no such thing as ejected player who can't leave because he will be unattended.

I have had restrictions before but never ejected for one of the 6 things, never head to. I have only been in one game where one occured, my partner ejected the coach for profanity directed at an official. Game ended in forfeit because the ejected coach had no assistant. Get on the bus Gus...

Last edited by DG; Mon Mar 29, 2010 at 08:42pm.
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