Originally Posted by NEohioref
If you guys did'nt know im african american. But that should'nt matter. But I need to ask you guys this. I did a 16/u tournament in Columbus on saturday(My partner and I are from Cleveland). We had 6 games scheduled on saturday,and 6 on sunday. We just completed 4 games and the tournamnet director says you need to call the assignor. We called no answer so we go to where he is located. Then the assignor tells us our services are no longer needed. From what we were told its was because I wear my hair in cornrolls/braids, and my partner has a mustache and he's bald. What does this have to do with basketball? This has never been a issue for me,and the first for my partner. We read the rules about officials attire and it reads just like the rule book. I'm upset because the assignor should have had our back with this issue.I understand if we wanna "Move up" we should have a certain look. But IMO my hairstyle or partners mustache should not come into play. if a female can wear cornrolls/braids why cant a man? Like I said this hasnever been a issue and it almost seems like the "good ol boy" system. Any input you guys can give would be great. Thanks!
Sorry to hear that happened and I agree is shouldnt matter. But I guess its all about perception and staying under the radar. Now, with AAU and/or high school, I didnt think that kind of stuff was a problem. But on the College Level I am sure it does. I have a friend that was from the West Coast, had long braids and the clinitions frowned on it. He has since cut his hair. It was attracting unwanted attention in camp. Just my 2 cents. BTW, I am Human and black as well and I wear facial hair in the off season and go back to the clean face during the season. Its just my preference.