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Old Tue Jan 07, 2003, 06:59pm
Jay R Jay R is offline
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Been there and it is only my first season

Originally posted by LarryS

While I agree it could be considered flagrant, Sleeper and I are in TX and ejecting a coach after the first T would probably get you and the coach a required trip to Austin during a weekday to discuss it with the UIL & TASO (apparently they have not been made aware of the conference call technology). Not saying they would not side with the official, but that trip is at your expense and means a day off work (which may also cost you cash)

Kinda makes me really work on keeping it to one T per coach unless the report to the State will be obvious...which this may have been.
Glad I'm not in Texas. I can understand that refs and coaches need to be accountable. However, does it not seem like this is going a bit too far. I don't see my boss giving me the day off for this type of situation.

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