Thread: Here's a switch
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Old Fri Mar 26, 2010, 01:05pm
jdw3018 jdw3018 is offline
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Originally Posted by DLH17 View Post
Someone earlier referenced how P.O.'d Martin was after that sequence. The cameras caught him blowing what I think was a F Bomb - not sure if it was at a player and/or an official. Point is, if it was directed at an official, was it because he told one of the crew that his team was going to foul?
Martin drops F bombs like I say "can you pass the mustard." I believe it was directed at the player who fouled on the shot.

That said, I was hoping someone would ask Martin after the game if he informed the officials that K-State would try to foul if the final free throw went and they were up 3. Nobody did.

I believe if I were a coach, I'd inform the officials. And as an official, I'm aware in taht situation that there may be an attempt to foul before a try can be attempted.
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