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Old Wed Mar 24, 2010, 05:00pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Berkut View Post
My guess would be A1 and B1 going for a rebound, A1 fouls B1 while attempting to secure the rebound, then the ball is hit off of B1, and the official (L) rather than calling the foul simply gives the OOB ball to B1.

Then T comes sailing in to tell L that the ball really went off of B1, and the L sticks with his call, because he knew that already.
This has to stop. The covering official is missing two calls on this play--a foul and an OOB decision. That is unacceptable.
With every game being on video today, people who officiate in this manner better change and quickly. There is no way to defend such.

Either call the foul or award the ball to the team which didn't touch it last.
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