I understand and appreciate your point of view. You're correct in saying I have no black-and-white rulebook defense to ruling the way I did in this sitch. (Protests are not allowed in Illinois.)
However, we both know the rationale behind the rule to stop the cat-and-mouse game of trying to bounce on and off the bag in an attempt to draw a (hopefully) poor throw and be able to advance a base. This was not what R1 was attempting to do. The DC voiced her displeasure, as I would expect her to, but her challenge was short-lived.
On top of it all, I suspected that a middle infielder may have told R1 the ball was foul which caused her to abandon the base and head back to first. While we had no evidence of that, I was not willing to give the defense a cheap out if that was, indeed, what had occurred.
KJ, thanks for a thoughtful and polite response. It is appreciated.