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Old Tue Mar 23, 2010, 04:28pm
rockyroad rockyroad is offline
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There was another game on Sunday where the exact opposite happened. Call was made, partner ran in and gave info, calling official (I think it was the T) hit his whistle and pointed again - the same direction he had pointed before.

All you can do is provide information. If partner wants to change call, that's up to him/her. My personal take on this is that I do not go running in, tooting my whistle 5 or 6 times. I tell my partners in pregame that if I have info for them, I will take a step or two towards them and make eye contact. If they then ask me, I will go in and give the info. If they don't want my info, they either shake their head at me or don't make eye contact. And away we go...

Last edited by rockyroad; Tue Mar 23, 2010 at 04:43pm.
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