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Old Tue Jan 07, 2003, 10:45am
Jerry Blum
Posts: n/a

This situation has now happened twice in two seperate games, both Girls Varsity tourney games. First game a couple of weeks ago, the first half went fine both teams playing well without a lot of fouls. Second half they both come out and are pressing all over the floor. Early in the 4th quarter I am lead and there is a loss ball that White picks up and then black in going for the ball falls on white knocking her down and forcing her to bump her head on the a knee or the floor not sure which. I call the foul and the coach starts out on to the floor almost immediately to check on his girl, while on his way out he starts saying something like I was wondering when this was going to happen basically saying that we weren't calling the game close enough and had let it get out of hand. Interesting part about that statement was that we were already in the double bonus for at least one team with the other one or two fouls behind. I had already given the coach the stop sign and told him I had had enough prior to this incident, however I didn't feel that I should have T'd him up because he needed to check on his girl.

Now the 2nd situation was last night, black team getting blown out by about 20 early 4th quarter again. A loss ball gets bounced high up in the air and one player from black and white jump up after it. When they are coming down white happened to jump higher but they both had their hands on the ball when they came down. Since white jumped higher black came down first out of bounds so I blew my whistle and gave white the ball. Well in coming down the black's girl inured her shoulder. The coach from black had been whining basically nonstop the entire game but nothing really loud or bad. In this case I had to call the coach onto the floor to check out his girl. As he was getting to her he turns to me and says something like "I hate to say this but your officiating caused this and it should have been a foul" and then he starts checking out his girl still mumbling something. When he got the first sentence out I had heard enough and told him to check on his girl and that was it. When he started mumbling as he turned away from me to check his girl I was upset that he had kept complaining like that and was about half a second from giving him a T. However, my partner had arrived just before I was going to T him and told me to walk away towards half court as this was occuring on the base line.

My main question is how would anyone on this board have handled these situations? Do you treat it the same as if the coach were doing this during a live or dead ball without the inury or would you treat it differently because of the injury?

Sorry for the long post but this really got me upset last night and I needed to vent, Thanks.

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