Originally Posted by tomegun
I'm going to have to work on my lists because this is a debate I get into often. Could you name 10 players that Bobby Knight had on his three championship teams? I will give you a head start:
I. Thomas
S. Alford
K. Smart
If you can name 7 more (some are obvious from his first one), you are either from Indiana or a hoops junkie.
On the other hand, Roy Williams won two championships with like 9 first-round draft choices and Dean Smith had about the same. I mention those two coaches because the media loves them so much.
87 Dean Garret Daryl Thomas Joe Hillman Ricky Calloway (who transfered to Kansas) Todd Meier Steve Eyl Brian (?) Sloan
81 Randy Whitman Ted Kitchel Landon Turner Ray Tolbert Eric Kirchner
But those are just off the top of my head!