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Old Mon Jan 06, 2003, 12:16pm
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Re: Re: I just don't understand why we.....

Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Rich Fronheiser
....need a gender-neutral substitute.
You're right. We don't need a gender-neutral term. I suggest that as of right now, we refer to our crews as "2-woman", or "3-girl" crews. How do all the guys feel about that? That's what I thought. Maybe that's how some female officials feel.

To me, saying I worked in a 2-man crew has never implied that my partner was actually a man.
How can the words "Two man" not imply -- or at least, suggest -- two men? I don't think it's that a big a deal. I don't think it's demeaning to the fine female officials who work with me. However, I can understand why some might think it's more respectful not to use the phrase "3-man" or "2-man". I have no problem with "2-whistle".


[Edited by ChuckElias on Jan 6th, 2003 at 08:20 AM]

I've often thought of the word "man" in this situation referred to "mankind." Common usage of terms has always favored the male term in the English language. I have no problem using a gender-neutral phrase, but many times such usage is awkward.

Just to make it absolutely clear, though: I mean no disrespect to female officials.

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