Originally Posted by marvin
Believe me if a college coach sees that a player who could make a difference in the game (one of the other teams usual starters or a pitcher for instance) is not there, they will point it out during the pre-game and get that player's name scratched so they can't play that game.
You don't need to be "there" to play (only if you are a starter). You just need to be on the line up card:
5.6 Lineup
Each team must submit a complete lineup card to the official scorer and
opponent 20 minutes before game time and to the plate umpire at the
pregame meeting. The following information shall be recorded on the lineup
card: first and last names, uniform numbers and positions of the starting
players, listed in the order in which they are to bat; and the first and last
names and uniform numbers of all eligible substitutes. In addition, it shall
include the first and last name of the head coach. In the event the team has
co-head coaches, one shall be designated as the head coach for the game.
1. Players not listed on the official lineup card are not eligible to play.
2. All players listed in the starting lineup must be in uniform, in the dugout
area and available to play at the start of the game.
3. The umpire may ask for the lineup card to be corrected before accepting it
as official.