Ok, my new favorite:
We know that the NFHS made a change this season in a play where a base runner interfers with a fielder attempting to catch a foul fly ball.
We now know that is ALL cases the runner interferring is declared out.
Tie Game
Bottom of the 7th
The Worlds Greatest High School Hitter at Bat
2 Outs
1 Ball 2 strikes
F1 jams TWGHSH and he hits a foul fly slightly to the left of the third base bag.
As F5 sets under the ball in an attempt to retire TWGHSH.
A smart R2 thinks: "wow, if I run into that guy TWGHSH will get a new at bat in the bottom of the 7th!"
R2 runs into F5 (not anything near MC) and F5 drops the ball.
R2 is declared "out" and TWGHSH gets a new at bat in the next inning.
ALL THEY HAD TO DO: "with two out the batter is declared 'out'".
ALSO do not read the ruling in the Illustrated NFHS Rule Book as it still claims the batter is "out" at all times.