Originally Posted by NCASAUmp
From another thread:
Odd that you were having troubles getting on, BretMan. Did you get a specific error message or something?
I guess Ohio and Delaware are in the same time zone (I was thinking the east coast might be ahead of us), so that wasn't the problem.
I didn't get any error messages. Here's what happened after the "Chat" window opened:
- Message in upper left corner said "Please wait, connecting to server", then said "Connected!".
- The pane that list "Users" said "0 Users".
- The button right above the "Send" button continually flashed between "Disconect" and "Connect" (like the connection was toggling on and off).
- I didn't see anywhere that I was assigned a "Guest Name" upon entering the chat room.
- I tried posting a couple of messages and that didn't seem to work.
Probably some issue with the settings on my own computer. I've run into that before and not been able to get it straightened out.
Maybe next time!