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Old Sat Mar 06, 2010, 06:05pm
Robert Goodman Robert Goodman is offline
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Originally Posted by bisonlj View Post
What I've heard is the NFL is worried about exposing their players to another 15 minutes of potential injury and the game is so much more intense most players are spent by the end of 4 quarters. A full additional quarter would likely result in more injuries due to exhausted players and in the NFL, injuries could mean huge money. Especially for regular season games, they want to limit that exposure as much as possible.
Then why do they break ties in regular season games at all? They don't need to, and didn't use to. Tie games help spread out the standings for post season play more transparently and satisfyingly than standings tiebreakers do.

Plus, with the 2 point conversion option, they don't have the excuse any more (as they did when regular season OT was adopted) that teams didn't have a chance to go for the win. Of course the trick has always been that 2 point conversions in the pros have almost always been used to tie the score rather than break a tie, even in the AFL where there was no regular season overtime. But hey, that's their choice. So what is this, "Stop us before we tie games again!"?

OK, you want to break ties fast and without necessarily any regard to what the game is they're trying to break the tie of? Toss a coin...hardly any chance of injury.

You want to decide the game quickly, yet play something that resembles the game you were trying to break the tie of? I can think of better than either frames that neglect field position or sudden death with its problems. How about taking a cue from the NHL OT, removing one or more players from each side, to produce more open field, and play a short period, but without sudden death?
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