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Old Fri Mar 05, 2010, 11:09am
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Originally Posted by outathm View Post
I was right there next to you Steve, however, this weekend I used the Rule properly and no one said a word. Run scored.

The rule is only as good as the coach' knowledge of the same.
I guess it should be noted that in some levels umpires will use the term "no tag" when the ball beats a runner at a base (including home), but the tag is missed. However, usually that is followed by a safe signal and call.

Though better coaching of the catcher should resolve any issue of confusion, I can see where the two could be confused.

Come to think of it, on a miss-n-miss play, if the umpire is going to declare "no tag", why is s/he not also declaring "no touch" to equalize any perceived benefit the defense may contrive by the prescribed declaration?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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