Originally Posted by Smitty
Are the calls correct? When you do get called for an illegal screen, is it an illegal screen? If so, what are you really complaining about? You use the phrase "get away with less" as if you are thinking you should be able to "get way" with more illegal activity. That's just an odd argument, in my opinion.
Stop your kids from setting illegal screens - teach them the proper way to set a screen - and I guarantee that you will be called for less of them.
To the letter of the rule...yes probably correct.....but the same is not called on other teams that I scout or coach against. So yes, we get away with less "illegal activity" than other teams which creates an advantage for them.
Didn't want to turn this thread into a post about my team setting illegal screens, just wanted everyones opinion on pre-game tendencies.
I know my opinion of them, but everyone has made some valid points as well. Thanks for the comments....don't agree on the pre-game scouting as far as team and player tendencies (not including dirty players), but nonetheless, I think everyone has raised some good points.