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Old Mon Mar 01, 2010, 01:10pm
Andy Andy is offline
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Location: Glendale, AZ
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I used the Protector for a few years (on AtlUmpSteve's recommendation) as well.

Lightweight, good protection, held a shine well, I did have to take them into a shoe repair shop once to get the side seams re-done, other than that, the tread wore out quicker than the rest of the shoe. Lasted a good two+ years for me as well and I do games year round.

My only caution is the the best of my knowledge, he is a one man show and is sometimes away from the business for an extended period. I have heard stories on these and other boards of orders taking several weeks to fill.

I purchased new plate shoes last summer and went with the New Balance plate shoe. Very comfortable and light, keeps a decent shine right out of the box. The only issue may be the big, white "N" logo on the side of the shoe. My local UIC at the time told me that as long as some attempt was made to darken it, (sharpie, shoe polish, etc) he wouldn't say anything. I was then told by an NUS member at my national last year that if ASA sells it, we could wear it as is.
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