BRD 238 makes clear that a following runner being put out during continuing action does not remove the force on a preceding runner who missed the base he was forced to (1) in Fed and OBR, at the time he missed it, and (2) in NCAA, at the time of the pitch. It also makes clear that in Fed and OBR, the force is removed if a preceding runner is put out before the baserunning error.
Now take the following play (BRD 14-12): Bases loaded, 1 out: B1 triples. R1 misses 2B, and B1 misses 1B. The defense first appeals B1; the umpire upholds the appeal. Then the defense appeals R1; again the umpire upholds the appeal.
From BRD 238, I assumed that the order of appeals did not matter, since R1 was forced to 2B at the time he missed it (or in NCAA, at the time of the pitch). So whether out number 3 was a force at 2B or the BR before reaching 1B, no run could score. However, as Roger Greene pointed out to me, BRD says that R3's run counts. "The defense appealed in the wrong order. When B1 became the second out, the subsequent out on R1 at second was not a force out. To cancel the run the defense needed to appeal R1 before appealing B1." So out on appeal removes the force, out during continuing action does not.
In their ruling, BRD neglected to say that (if the defense appealed in the wrong order) R2's run would also have to count.
So do I finally have this straight?
More whiskey—and fresh horses for my men!
Roll Tide!