Originally Posted by Rich Ives
Around most of small town America the firefighters and EMT's are volunteers. They aren't "working". They're on call. They go about their daily routines untill the beeper beeps.
If we're ONLY talking Tuesday night rec league, I have no problem with allowing an on-call emergency services worker keep his radio on his belt so long as:
1 - It doesn't cause any major distractions on the field (ie., constant chatter)
2 - It doesn't pose any safety problems for anyone.
Most of these radios are now pretty small. I can't imagine the radios I've seen causing any problems on the field, and the wearer can turn it down pretty easily.
Common sense needs to be applied here. By rule, would I be justified in having him remove it from the field? Yes. Am I going to ask an emergency services worker to do so? If the two conditions above are met, my answer is no, I won't ask him/her to remove the radio.