Just a word of caution. If you happen to be working with an inexperienced partner, try not to cover every situation. Keep the pre-game simple and centered around basic coverage.
I used to cover everything in pre-game, until I realized that some of the lesser experienced guys I was working with had a hard enough time just grasping the basic coverage concepts. I'd start talking and their eyes would just glaze over, their minds wandering into their happy place. When that happens you've lost them.
But if you keep drilling the same basic coverage concepts at every pre-game with them, eventually they start getting it. That's why, in my opinion, a post-game conference is just as important. That's the time you should spend going over where the two of you went wrong. That's where they'll start getting it.
Eventually, once a firm understanding of the basics is apparent, you can add one additional item to each conference with that particular umpire.
Don't overwhelm the rookies. Youth league umpiring is almost always on-the-job training. Good thing we aren't brain surgeons.
Jim Porter