I'll play
48 dates (56 games):
10 NAIA Women
8 Juco Women
3 D3 Women
6 HS Varsity
18 HS JV
8 F/S Boys
1 Freshman Girls
2 Jr. High Boys
36 3-person
20 2-person
Total earned: $4590.
Miles driven: 3665.8
Highest game fee: $170
Lowest game fee: $27.50
Usual game fee: $45-50 (29 dates)
Longest drive (1 way) - 307 miles (NAIA Women)
Shortest drive (1 way) - 3.5 miles (Hometown HS)
Oh yeah, and only 1 Technical!
Being it my first year doing college ball, I spent a LOT on equipment at the beginning of the season. Hopefully I won't have to purchase as much for next year...