Off the top pf my head:
42 High School Varsity
of those 26 were boys
16 were girls
9 Juco/D3 Women
2 JV D3 Men's
Highest Game fee: 100
Lowest Game Fee: 60
Worked with one official 9 times (so happends to be my father)
I bought the following: 3 College Shirts, College Jacket, Three new whistles, 2 lanyards, 2 under armor shirts, 2 long underarmor pants.
Made Approx: 3770
Drank 53 bottles of 5 hour energy before games
Drank Approx: 458 bottles of Miller Lite after games
Closest Drive was 2.3 miles
Furthest Drive was 118 miles
I had only 3 technicals this year all on players
1 Emergency Room Visit
NO speeding tickets