We just had a thread concerning the role of the PU and BU on a given set of circumstances. I'm certain there are many others as well.
Perhaps the most important element in umpiring is working with your partner. I can't stress enough the importance of the Pre-Game Discussion even if you are working with someone whom you are very familiar with.
For the most part, there's only 2 of us out there, so we better know in advance - Who's call it is and what position we both should be in.
I know there are the "taught" mechanics that we all learn in the clinics and on video such as the "V", but it is very important to have communication between you and your partner.
There's nothing more embarassing than thinking it's your partner's call and he thinks it's your call and neither of you are in the right position to make any call.
Having a good Pre-Game can also save one from getting into those "pickle" situations.
Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth