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Old Wed Feb 24, 2010, 01:38pm
bigjohn bigjohn is offline
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But if you saw the movie you would know EXACTLY what he is talking about.

He did site many other inaccuracies.

In a tale of prevailing over grit and dirt, there's no grit or dirt. Although Big Mike often lives on the streets in bad weather, he is nearly immaculate. As Joe Biden might say, he's very clean.

In The Blind Side, Mike's mother is a crack cocaine addict, but a nice one. In actuality Mike was one of thirteen children, but in the movie he only has one brother. It's a telling metaphor. In the movie about 11/13's of reality is cut out.

I even said as I was watching it, "you don't drive a mercedes into that project and just walk into one of those apartments not a pretty white lady for sure, and then threaten to use your gun! Come on, Man!"
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