Thread: Season summary
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Old Wed Feb 24, 2010, 10:53am
fullor30 fullor30 is offline
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 2,842
50 dates:

46 HS Varsity
3 Juco Men
1 Middle School

20 3-person
30 2-person

Total earned: $2988.20.

Highest game fee: $100
Lowest game fee: $38.20 (2 checks split among 3 officials, once)
Usual game fee: $60 (29 dates)

Longest drive (1 way) - 115 miles (last night, HS girls)
Shortest drive (1 way) - 1/2 mile (the middle school date -- I was a fill-in for a local official working a football state final that afternoon)

Number of partners: 24. I worked with one official 23 times.

This year I bought 3 shirts, 2 pairs of pants, 2 UnderArmour undershirts, a pack of socks, a pair of shoes, a bag, and a jacket. Drove a lot (haven't yet calculated my mileage -- will do that later -- in the end, I won't have much taxable income left, as always).

I still have 5 games left, including a pretty big one tomorrow night and a few playoff games.

Working with a partner who blows my endline 5 second call PRICELESS

For all else it's Mastercard
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