Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Larry, the NCAA is specific that we shouldn't (generally) kill play unless the ball is in the circle in possession of F1. There are, of course, situations like a wet ball, when we might; but people tend to take the directions literally.
I assume that is from the CCA since there is no mention of it in the rules. The two
red paragraphs address the situation in the OP:
15.10 Suspension of Play (NCAA)
15.10.1 An umpire may temporarily suspend play in the following situations: When, in his or her judgment, conditions justify such action. When he/she leaves his or her position to brush the plate or to
perform other duties not directly connected with the calling of plays. When a batter or pitcher steps out of position for a legitimate
15.10.2 An umpire shall not temporarily suspend play in the following situations: While any play is in progress, including when a thrown ball hits
an umpire. After the pitcher has started her delivery. In case of injury until all plays in progress have been completed
or each runner has been held at her base.
Exception: When necessary
to protect an injured player, the umpire may suspend play immediately
and before resumption, award a base or bases that offensive players
would have reached, in the umpire’s judgment, had play not been
suspended. At the request of players or coaches until all action in progress
has been completed.