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Old Tue Feb 23, 2010, 04:52pm
Judtech Judtech is offline
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Well I am glad I finally started a good thread. I will disagree that the first "T" was warranted even though I have no idea what was said. Judging by the reaction of Huggy Bear, I don't think he knew it was coming. He was heading to talk to his team when the official went and whacked him. Then 3 seconds later ran him.
It would have looked a WHOLE lot better had the official 1) Not been in the huddle with WVU 2) Not had the whistle in his mouth the whole time - it looked like a pacifier 3)If he was expaining something to Huggy and Huggy didn't like it, then walk away to your designated spot on the floor. That way if he continues his tirade everyone and their sister will know what was going on. Also, if he earned the "T" earlier in the conversation than why stand around? When the referee left the WVU huddle, he shook his head, you can't see Huggy say anything more, then he whacks him.
Warranted or not, very ugly
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