I love this camp. The camp is very well run and the ball is not bad at all. It is a women's camp using NCAA-W mechanics. The A-10 and Patriot run an identification camp at VCU in April but that is full already. I've been to both, VCU and PSU, and I am going to both again this year. The evaluators are conference supervisors and staff members that have worked in the higher rounds of the NCAA tournament (sweet 16 and above) and higher rounds of the A-10 tournament. Most of the campers are college officials. The officials on staff but at the lower levels of the A-10 and Patriot are required to be at PSU as campers so you ref with some pretty good officials/people. Last year, the supervisors from 7 different conferences were there. Marie Koch, the A-10 supervisor, is big on referee education so the classroom sessions are given by supervisors, officials, and evaluators from around the country. The classroom sessions are geared toward college officiating but the open discussions in those sessions are fantastic. The staff is very friendly and approachable. If you want more info, let me know.