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Old Fri Jan 03, 2003, 11:38am
SDUMP SDUMP is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 28

A rating system? In South Dakota, there is no such thing. In fact, we used to only have two categories: 1) Registered 2) Certified. Those that were Registered had to try to become Certified within three years (by passing the closed book tests in an indvidual sport). Now the SDHSAA (in their infinite wisdom) has added a classification right between that for guys/gals that only want to work regular season games. That means that this classification doesn't have to attend a jamboree (where there is actually constructive criticism from senior officials for newer officials or officials that are fulfilling their once every three year obligation). At the state volleyball tournament this year, the official that had to sit out the state tournament evaluated two games for each official (By SDHSAA rules, they put in a new rule that a person can only work five state tournaments in a row before sitting one out).
So how do state tournament officials get chosen? By coaches' votes. Yes, there are some officials out there that refuse to give the coach a technical/red card because it might come back to haunt them when it comes down to choosing state officials. The SDHSAA is going to try something new this year in basketball - the coaches' will get a recommendation, then a nine-member panel will assign the state tourney officials based on recommendations. I don't know if it will be weighted - more recommendations, better chance of getting in. It is going to be interesting. So for those of you out there that are getting evaluated on a weekly/monthly basis, take advantage of it and take the constructive criticism for what it's worth - the chance to improve.
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