Thread: Blind Corner
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Old Fri Jan 03, 2003, 07:53am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by rainmaker
Is the college 3-person habit working against these people? I'm not speaking with disrespect, just trying to learn from what I saw.
It might be, especially the "first time" it happens in a game.

Case in point: Scheduled three-person college game. One partner doesn't show. I'm trail in front court. Dribbler moves from my side, across the court to the FT line extended and looks as if she's going to continue down low.

I "automatically" turn away from the play to watch the post on my side.

My partner is "automatically" looking at the post play on his side.

Dribberl stops the dribble, holds the ball, starts another dribble, holds the ball again. All players stop. Dribbler drops ball and begins to walk to the other end.

Partner and I sheepishly look at each other and blow the whistle.

See, it was the "out" official on that side of the court who should have had that call. Problem is, there wasn't one.
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