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Old Thu Feb 18, 2010, 02:05pm
shutupneff shutupneff is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 39
What's your mechaninc for spanking?

Reffing the tournament a high school aged rec-league. One game featured two teams from the same school who are all friends off the court (which really made game management easy). Once the game turned into a blowout in the second half, it turned into a half-hearted after school pickup game ("Step back. I wanna try a left-handed three"). At one point, team B is throwing the ball in under their own basket. A1, defending, and B1, throwing, have the following conversation:

-Hey man, you still going out with that girl?
-Oh yeah? How long's it been? [B1 passes ball to teammate and steps in bounds]
-About 11 months.
-Really? That's crazy

At which point, A1 gives B1 a very forceful congratulatory spank. Iheld my whistle because I was so shocked and didn't have have a "Wuh-oh, I'd better get this under control" alarm go off in my head, but I realized later that I should have, if only because everyone would have found it funny.

How would you report the situation to the table? (Keep in mind that, in this league, a technical foul carries a $5 fine, so try to keep it a normal foul.)
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