So once the crowd got into the counting my partner took me aside . . .
He was very upset about and said we should demand the team stop or "T" them up each time it happened. My intial response in our private convo was that they could count to 1 million if they liked unless they started arguing the count I didn't care. We then discussed the inciting the crowd aspect and decided that we would in fact put a stop to it just because it couldn't go anywhere good for anyone.
Since I was in the more reasonable mood about it I approached the coach who must have known what was coming next.
Me - "Your players and the bench needs to stop trying to affect the officials count. I appreciate your enthusiasm but its not going to effect us and is just going to lead to issues with the crowd and both teams. If I hear it again the player responsible will be given a T and it will go to you if it comes from the bench."
Coach - "So we can't communicate on defense. We have stunts set after certain counts by our teammates and now your saying we can't call rotations from the floor or bench."
Me - " I hear what your saying but you and I both know what its really about and what its trying to accomplish. Its either trying to influence the official or rush/intimdate the opposition. So lets cut the counting!"
Coach - "Fair enough. I assume you''ll warn the other team too, and if you hear them counting down a shot clock or game clock that they'll be "T"'d up too if counting is now unsportsmanlike."
Me -" I'll treat them the same as you coach."
I walked away. THe counting stopped. Until the crowd got wind of it at half time. Then as the 2nd half started a group of supportive parents counted from 1 - 500 aloud while the game was going on.