Originally posted by Derock1986
Originally posted by ABoselli
Fouls by the defense in their own end zone are enforced from the goal line.
Aboselli, this foul was by the defense in A's end zone. Same rule?
I always thought a foul by B behind the neutral zone was enforced from the previous spot?
[Edited by Derock1986 on Jan 2nd, 2003 at 10:23 AM]
The netural zone has nothing to do with enforcing any foul by either A or B .
The all-but-one principle determines the spot of enforcement and is based upon knowing who committed the foul and where the foul was committed relative to the basic spot of enforcement.
To use this principal you must know the difference between a loose ball play and a running play and how to find the basic spot . If a foul occurs during a down, the basic spot of enforcement is determined by the action that was occurring at the time of the foul.
The basic spot is the previous spot for a foul which occurs simultaneously with the snap or free kick , or a foul which occurs during a loose ball play. There is one exception to this enforcement when the foul is roughing the passer.
The basic spot is the spot where the related run ends for a foul which occurs during a running play.
The basic spot is the succeeding spot, (where the ball would next be snapped or free-kicked ) for an unsportsmanlike foul, for a dead ball foul, for a nonplayer foul or when the final result of the play is a touchback and the normal basic spot would have been the end of the run. All fouls are enforced from th basic spotexecpt fouls by the offence (team in possession of the ball) behind the basic spot which are enforced from the spot of the foul