Thread: spot violation
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Old Thu Feb 11, 2010, 02:16pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by referee99 View Post
Leaving the spot is a throw-in violation, and the signal for a throw-in violation is what it is. My rules book says that not releasing a throw-in in 5 seconds is also a throw-in violation. That's all.
Look at the signal chart. It labels one signal as a "5 seconds". But that is not any actual violation. The violation is a closely guarded violation. Don't get too hung up on the exact words on the signal chart...they're only basic.

Often, the signals are overlayed with others for compactness on the chart. Note the signal (#26 I believe) indicates a motion of the arm while pointing to the spot. The indicated motion is only significant/relevant for a spot violation. The 5 second signal is valid for any violation involving 5 seconds.
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