Originally Posted by Paul L
I'd still be tempted to give my quick safe signal in the OP sitch for the lower skill levels I'm used to, because not responding might cause F3 to pause while waiting for a response and allow R2 to race home from third, or BR to achieve second. But any reasonable player, regardless of skill level, would know that she's got to tag the runner off the base for an out.
Or not be that smart and engage the umpire for calling the runner safe which to the defense, in an obvious misconception, believes they have caught the umpire in a mistake.
Yes, it is a DMF, and is more likely to happen at the lower levels. However, the team believes it just successfully executed what they believe to be a legitimate play. IMO & experience, giving that non-play credence by making a call is going to be more disruptive to the game than just staying with the play as instructed. As previously noted, they can question the lack of a call after the play.