Assistant Coach to the Table
"10.5.1 Situation C Case Book 2009/10
The coach of Team A leaves the bench area and goes to the table to seek information other than a correctable error:
(a) during a time-out;
(b) during the intermission between the first and second quarters.
A technical foul is charged directly to the coach in both (a) and (b). If this information is required, it must be secured by a manager or statistician, etc. when the clock is stopped and the ball is dead. A coach is not permitted at the table for this purpose. To allow exceptions would open the door for exploitation and would result in situations which could not be enforced consistently."
I have an ongoing discussion with a fellow official...
Is there anytime a crew would allow an assistant coach to go to the table...for any reason?
What if a coach says that his "assistant coach" is in fact a "statistician"?
Dan Ivey
Tri-City Sports Officials Asso. (TCSOA)
Member since 1989
Richland, WA