Game 1:
We line up for the National Anthem…..and the student singing live forgets the words. I looked at her and picked it up and the entire crowd now sings the final few stanzas.
Lights go down, players are announced with strobes and such….and then, the lights won’t heat up again and go on. Game delayed 10 minutes until the gym gets bright enough! I'm U1, V coach knows his team is overmatched and asks me if we can start the game in the dark as this may help his team……Funny!
Game 2:
Game in a small gym. “How small was it?” Jump ball goes up for JV game. Hit toward out of bounds near Division Line. Blue chases after it and makes a great save throwing the ball over his head with both hands. WHAM! He runs right into a set of wall lockers located adjacent to the floor and against the wall.
“How small was it?” Part 2 - The clock was on the opposite side of the gym from the seats (no table) on top of the wall lockers (above). The operator ran it with a fob from across the gym (I'd never seen that before). Four seconds left before a quarter ended, coach requests a time out. Me, TWEET! Time Out B Coach. Clock went to 2 secs. Me, "I need you to put 4 secs on the clock." Clock operator, "Sure thing." He walks across the floor, takes the clock off the wall lockers, adds 2 seconds and returns to his seat.
Nothing truly bizarre on the court this yr......of course, as of tonight I will have lost
18 games to bad weather, and tomorrow looks bad too!