I've had a weird year.
Twice this year I've had a player attempt to throw the ball off an opponent and go OOB only to end up holding the ball while standing OOB. The first had a visitor, falling OOB, attempt to throw it off the home player's leg. It worked, but bounced right into the visiting player's hands after he got OOB. The 2nd, in the same game, was a home thrower on an throw-in, running out of time he tried to throw it off the visiting defender. Again, it bounced right into his hands. Same game, once to each team.
Started a game with free throws for the first time this year. Could have done it twice, but the R on the first game wanted to be generous and start the game with a JB and gave them extra time to get the book right. Ended up shooting free throws when the same team needed to add a player to the book on the first sub of the game.
Called my first violation for a player leaving the court for an unauthorized reason.
Had an IW on the initial jump ball.
Had a JV game go into OT after giving the freshman officials crap for letting their game go into OT.
Called my first violation on a dribbler who stepped OOB while not touching the ball.
No Ts, personally. MY partners, however, have called 3.
2 three second calls for me, the most in a while.
I had to use ROPP for the first time in years.
Sprinkles are for winners.